The workshop was led by Prof. Barbara Risman College of Liberal Arts & Sciences, University of Illinois, Chicago, USA on Strategies for Publishing in ‘Gender & Society’ and Other English Language Gender Journals. Prof. Risman first introduced the basic concepts of choosing the most suitable journal by using a list of examples. After that, she explained how to be determining fit to avoid desk rejections. Next, Prof. Risman elaborated on the submission and review process. She focused on what to do if the publication got rejected so that it can be addressed critically without being discouraged. Toward the end of her speech, she answered some frequently asked questions about submissions at Gender & Society, followed by what type of articles and research are published by them. Finally, she instructed the audience on what should be done after getting acceptance for the paper. Prof. Risman was generous to share her knowledge on how to get a paper successfully published in a well-recognized journal.
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