As part of our purpose, all operations and business activities of TIIKM are guided by the SDGs outlined by the United Nations in 2015.
Building a stable economic foundation for all people to enjoy a decent standard of living, is an absolute necessity of life and sets the foundation for all people to pursue greater goals such as engaging in continues learning for continues development and fulfilling their quest to achieve greater knowledge. Uplifting the living standards of communities across the globe is a key focus area for CSR initiatives driven by TIIKM in many developing countries; this is in addition to providing pathways for society to overcome poverty through greater access to information and knowledge that is applicable to improve the livelihoods. The International Conference on Poverty and Sustainable Development “ICPSD” hosted by TIIKM Conferences has its main focus in this area, and aims to provide valuable research insights to policy makers in respective countries to make informed decisions reduce poverty and develop their communities sustainably.
Hunger presents one of the most formidable challenges to numerous societies around the world, and TIIKM strives to lead the battle against global hunger by arming community leaders and policy makers with the latest knowledge and insights derived from cutting edge studies carried out globally. To further this cause, TIIKM Conferences organizes two international conferences- the International Conference on Agriculture “AgriCo” and the International Conference on Nutrition Health and Lifestyle “NutriCon”, to highlight the latest breakthroughs discovered in these areas.
Believing in the concept, “a healthy body leads to a healthy mind” promoting healthy living and wellness among the global community is paramount for setting a foundation for continues learning and development. In-line with bridging the data gaps and to present innovative solutions to challenges in the spheres of health and well-being under this SDG, TIIKM organizes three international conferences- the International Conference on Public Health “ICOPH”, the Global Public Health Conference and the World Disability and Rehabilitation Conference “WDRC”, ensuring global collaborations among leading academics and policy makers.
TIIKM is committed to facilitate the highest quality of education in a variety of study areas, by providing opportunities for academics, intellectuals and researchers to present their research insights and innovations on a global stage. Enquiring lifelong learning through the most up-to-date information and insights disseminated through TIIKM Conferences, TIIKM Publishing and TIIKM Education Academy. To enable the necessary knowledge transfers for the advancement of high quality education and learning, two international conferences are organized by TIIKM annually: the International Conference on Education “ICEDU” and the International Conference on the Future of Education.
Enabling the required knowledge transfers for building a more equal and inclusive world for all genders and to secure a bright future for all women and girls, TIIKM Conferences brings together the leading resource people in women’s studies and gender studies from across the world in three international conferences- the World Conference on Women’s Studies, the International Conference on Future of Women and the International Conference on Gender and Sexuality, in our efforts to build a more equal and inclusive world.
A key aspiration for TIIKM is positive results in terms of growth and development for people, communities and economies through the practical implementation of research insights/ findings and solutions. We promote sound decision making among policy makers and industry leaders as we believe that growing economies, industries and businesses will also result in the growth and development of employees, communities and society as a whole. Three international conferences are hosted in-line with this SDG: the International Conference on Economics and Development “ICED”, which focuses on economic policy and macro-level indicators involved in developing industries and achieving economic growth. The International Conference on Business, Commerce and Management Studies “BIZCOM”, which focuses on the micro-level aspects of developing and growing businesses sustainably to aid economic growth. And the International Conference on Hospitality and Tourism Management ”ICOHT” taking a strategic focus on growing and sustainably developing the hospitality and tourism industries of countries, since this industry serves as a gateway for economies to earn foreign exchange, has massive potential for industrial growth in sustainable ways and is a key industry which can facilitate high levels of employment and upskilling of staff (people development) as well as serving as a base for international collaborations and gaining more international exposure/ experience.
Adopting emerging technologies to store and disseminate knowledge and learning effectively through resilient platforms, we are setting a strong foundation for greater learning and development that enhances the potential for new breakthrough solutions- as a result of innovations discovered by putting research recommendations into practice and through the empowerment of informed decision making and policy decisions backed by research.
While prioritizing international collaborations between institutions and academics across state boundaries, we work very closely with many developing countries focusing on the advancement of learning and education (and relevant infrastructure) in line with our area of expertise – maximizing the spread of knowledge across the world and within countries to minimize inequality. We believe equality among nations will be achieved through the uplifting of communities through a robust framework of learning and education (that we strive to create).
In a context where speed and adaptability of global economies and supply chains are key to averting a climate crisis, much emphasis is placed on environmental research and discovering novel innovations to ensure sustainable solutions to reverse the adverse effects of climate change- TIIKM organizes two international conferences, the International Conference on Climate Change “ICCC” and the International Conference on Global Warming and Climate Change “GLOBEWARM”, in-line with achieving this SDG aiming to support decision making and implementation of “green-solutions” by providing insights from studies carried out by academics globally.
To advance ocean science and promote greater research in the spheres of sustainable use of marine resources and combating the pollution of oceans and waterways, TIIKM hosts the International Conference on Fisheries and Aquaculture “ICFA” annually- creating awareness as well as providing research-backed solutions through the latest research studies carried out by academics from across the globe, promoting conservation and sustainable use of oceans, seas, marine resources and to empower informed policy decisions in these areas.
Focusing on safeguarding human rights, ending child labor and the fight against exploitation and trafficking of women and children- TIIKM contributes to this effort by organizing three international conferences: the World Conference on Child and Youth “CCY”, the International Conference on Poverty and Sustainable Development “ICPSD” as well as the International Conference on Social Sciences “ICOSS”. Forming a platform through which, leading academics and researchers voice their findings on addressing key issues and current demographic trends, to empower action in this area.
By gathering the most relevant and up-to-date knowledge and breakthrough research findings from the most insightful studies from around the world within one platform, we facilitate the strengthening of collaborations towards implementing innovative solutions uncovered through research studies by publishing research findings which have a significant potential to improve society when implemented. While encouraging the practice of sustainable development initiatives in the education and research spheres.
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