The 3rd World Conference on World Disability and Rehabilitation Conference 2023 (WDRC 2023) unfolded its success on the 9th and 10th of November 2023 in Colombo, Sri Lanka, utilizing a hybrid platform. The conference centered around the theme “Global Empowerment through Collaboration and Exchange: Advancing Disability Rehabilitation Worldwide.” TIIKM Publishing, the official publishing arm of The International Institute of Knowledge Management (TIIKM), Sri Lanka, orchestrated the event.
WDRC 2023 aimed to bring together academicians, professionals, researchers, policymakers, and scholars to exchange knowledge and experiences, fostering collaboration for the enhancement of disability studies and rehabilitation globally. The conference hosted over 70 academicians, researchers, scholars, activists, and professionals from 30 different countries, including Sri Lanka.
Mr. Isanka P Gamage, Co-Founder & Managing Director of TIIKM, Sri Lanka, and Conference Convener, delivered the opening remarks, while Dr. Loren O’Connor Conference Chair of WDRPA and Former University Assistant Vice Chancellor, Office of Accessible Education, provided the welcome speech. The Hon. State Minister Anupa Pasqual, Minister of Women, Child Affairs, and Social Empowerment, Sri Lanka, graced the occasion as the chief guest.
The conference featured two keynote speeches by Prof. Theresa Lorenzo, Head of Division Programme Convenor for Disability Studies Doctoral Programme, Department of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Cape Town, South Africa, and Prof. Luc de Witte, Research Group Technology for Healthcare, Centre of Expertise Health Innovation, The Hague University of Applied Sciences.
WDRC 2023 included publication-related workshops, facilitated by Prof. Luc de Witte, titled “How to Publish Your Research: Experiences and Tips.”
WDRC 2023 were organized under ten distinct titles:
1. Assistive Technology and Accessibility.
2. Health Systems, Services, and Social Protection.
3. Disability Rights, Advocacy, and Intersectionality.
4. Empowering Diversity: Inclusion and Disability Perspectives.
5. Education, Employment, and Entrepreneurship.
6. Inclusive Research and Health Innovation for Diverse Abilities.
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